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This is Logigamer (logic+gamer, in case you couldn’t tell). It is not a random blog of randomness, but one that contains logic, gaming, or both in each post.

If you have any thoughts on what I write, be sure to leave a comment. I'll definitely respond :).


Minecraft: Some First Impressions

It's a pretty great thing, this game. It's not exactly an original creation (look up "Infiniminer" on the MC wiki, or Google) but that doesn't change the fact it's great. Anything wrong with it?

For one thing, you could start out with some basic tools. I'd say a Compass is one of those; someone without the redstone to make one could easily get lost. Not to mention that the compass only points to your original spawn point, regardless of how many times you take a snooze. Most of the other stuff can be made pretty quickly, so I don't have much else to ask in that regard.

Furthermore... Uhhh... Water physics? Taking a spring block (water block that produces water which can spill out to other areas) out of a pool or ocean should technically cause the water level to go down, but instead the other spring blocks fill it in, but not to the top. So taking a couple spring blocks out would result in a very strange looking pool/lake/ocean/pond/river/random-other-names-for-water-formations. The lava physics, basically the same, make a little more sense because of the medium, but they still aren't the cream of the crop.

The last of the list is to make dungeons a bit more common. The only good way to find some is to use a good seed (I played two that both spawned next to two dungeons. The one I'm on now spawned me near two dungeons as well , but one was only because I knew the coordinates since I found the seed on the net). I'm not complaining about the loot, though; free redstone? Yes please.

But it's so frickin' addicting that the problems don't matter much.

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